Educational Background: WMU – Kalamazoo, Michigan
Professional History: Family Service Advisor for Putnam Funeral Home
Interest in serving: Mental Health is in the news a lot now, I want to help the people who need it!

Chair of the Board of Commissioners
Retired Statistics Professor
President, Bloomingdale Communications
Under graduate degree from Alma College along with U.S. Senator Gary Peters who asked me to assist him in the selection of his nominees to the Naval Academy, Air Force Academy, and West Point.
Attended White House Conference for Michigan County Commissioners 2017
Wings of Hope Hospice Board
Have served on numerous other Boards and Committees throughout Michigan as appointed by various elected officials and private organizations.

Educational Background: Bachelor of Science from Michigan State University
Professional History: Serve on Economic Development Board Van Buren County. Serve on Southwest Michigan Solid Waste Consortium. Serve on Kalamazoo Area Transportation Study Board. Chairman & part owner of local distribution Company.