Service Numbers

Main Line: 800-676-0423
Customer Service: 800-890-3712
Compliance Hotline: 800-783-0914
Substance Use Treatment Access: 800-781-0353

Veteran Navigator: 269-488-6853

SWMBH Commons – Partners

Nondiscriminatory Statement

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Kalamazoo Health Connections

Southwest Michigan Behavioral Health (SWMBH), in partnership with Integrated Services of Kalamazoo (ISK) was awarded a grant in October 2019 from the Michigan Health Endowment Fund. It supports a two-year pilot project aimed at aiding older adults (ages 55+) in Kalamazoo County who have Medicaid (but are not enrolled in a Medicaid Health Plan) and have a mental illness and one or more chronic medical conditions. Our goal is to help participants coordinate services. Participants in Kalamazoo Health Connections will work with our Community Health Worker and Social Work Care Coordinator. They will also be offered an iPhone and will be encouraged to use technology to help learn more about medical and mental health needs. We also have a nurse on our team to help guide care and answer medical related questions.

The funds from the grant will help SWMBH and ISK work together to align:

  • assessments
  • care planning
  • healthcare data analytics
  • personalized interventions, and
  • objective evaluation into one central location for project participants.


The goal of this unique and important partnership is to improve management of behavioral and physical health disorders, reduce avoidable health services, reduce healthcare expenses, enhance Participant functioning, provide symptom reduction and improve the overall quality of life. This partnership will target chronic medical conditions including Type 2 Diabetes, COPD, Heart Disease and Stroke, and/or Chronic pain. However, participation will not be solely limited to these chronic conditions. Any individual with a mental illness and chronic condition can be accepted into the program.

The Michigan Health Endowment Fund works to improve the health and wellness of Michigan residents and reduce the cost of healthcare, with a special focus on children and seniors. You can find more information about the Health Fund at For more information about the grant awarded to SWMBH through the Michigan Health Endowment Fund grant please contact the Care Coordinator at (269) 488-6595.

The criteria for enrollment includes, but is not limited to:

  • 55 years of age
  • Resident in Kalamazoo County, Michigan
  • Currently enrolled in Medicaid fee for service
  • At least 1 behavioral health diagnosis and at least 1 chronic medical condition

This program will:

  • Help participants understand their physical and behavioral health needs
  • Identify and develop goals to address those needs
  • Identify barriers and offer solutions to help achieve goals
  • Locate other community resources available to help meet needs
  • Offer a free iPhone
  • Encourage technology use to meet self-management goals (partnering with Relias)

We are now accepting Referrals. Call or email for more information.

Phone: 1-855-488-6699


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For the SWMBH Compliance Hotline, call
For SWMBH Customer Service, call
For SWMBH Substance Use Treatment Access, call
For SWMBH Veteran Navigator